Voyage dans le Devon - Du 4 au 10 juin 2008

Publié le par Seb


The day was hot!

We took the Ferry, from Calais to Dover. After that, we drove for some hours in the bus.

We visited the Secret War Time Tunnels,

We saw the conditions in which Soldiers lived and the different places where people worked, What their occupations were, how they lived, etc..

Then we took a picnic together in a car park.

Next, We visited Stonehenge , Big special stones , we were in groups and we had to listen to a special phone to understand why these stones were there. The weather was good, it was pleasant!

After that we went to our host' family. We were excited!



 The second day was about history. It began by the Bygone museum. In this museum,   we could see a Victorian street, with a lot of shops and reconstitutions of scenes ( more information : ).  

 After, we began to walk the Agatha Christie mile, a little walk through the town of Torquay, and during it, we visited the Agatha Christie museum.





A l'arrivée des professeurs, nous avons souhaité un joyeux anniversaire à Mme Rambaud.

Nous sommes allés visiter Buckland Abbey, une abbaye du coté de Plymouth. Nous avons pu découvrir le quotidien des gens qui y vivaient.

Nous avons pique-niqué sur la pelouse face à l'abbaye.


Ensuite nous avons pris la route pour nous diriger dans le centre de Plymouth où nous sommes allés profiter de la vue et du soleil à coté de Smeaton's tower.

Puis nous nous sommes dirigés vers Mayflower exhibition. Après cette journée bien remplie, nous avons pu faire du shopping.


Les élèves des classes de 2nde1 et 2nde2 étaient accompagnés durant ce voyage de Melle Kays, Mme Ramabaud, Melle Gonse et M. Bultel.
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